The Fair
Uhhh, "other" men? Maybe a "man" to begin with!
Plus he's getting all stupid about his weight. At the fair he mentioned he wanted to go white water rafting. I said that's not a good idea. He wanted to know why so I told him - when he gets tired we can't just stop. Plus I don't think any rafting place would ALLOW him to go. He's about 300 pounds, and when we did an 8 mile bike ride a few years back he had to stop every fifteen minutes! There were kids on training wheels (who finished before us, btw) that only stopped once the entire time. It was annoying. If he can't do that, how is he going to go rafting?
He also saw some guy dressed up as a dummy sitting in a kayak waving at kids in a water safety exhibit. He said that would be a great job! I said I don't think so, it'd be uncomfortable being all cramped up in a kayak for hours. THAT turned into this huge thing where Mickey wants to remember himself as going kayaking a lot and how it isn't uncomfortable and blah blah. I think Mickey wants to remember himself as this really active person when in reality, he's not.
Case in point, whenever I come home from work I can rely on him being stationed in front of the television, either sleeping on laying like a log. I can spend the rest of my day cleaning the house, cooking meals, washing/walking/playing with the dogs, and ditto for the birds, and he will still be on that sofa doing nothing but growing fatter.
He bought himself a puppy but doesn't want to take him for walks (It's hot, or I'm tired, or that's too far for a little dog), or in general exercise the dog. And of course it's one of those high energy dogs that NEEDS a lot of exercise. Oh well, it'll just grow up to be fat and bad tempered like his other one.
Active? Yea. Active like a sloth.
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